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Safe session locations, privacy, and other safety tips

Luke Stevens avatar
Written by Luke Stevens
Updated over a year ago

All Knack users must abide by the Knack Terms and Conditions and their individual school's honor code when using the Knack platform.

Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. Here are some best practices we recommend you follow to have a safe and enjoyable experience on Knack.

Have a conversation to get familiar

Before you have a session, get to know who you'll be working with. Send them a message introducing yourself and ask questions or clarify any details before you schedule a session.

Choose a safe and convenient location

When meeting up, we recommend staying on campus or near campus. Choose a location that is public, convenient, and comfortable to ensure a safe and focused environment. Consider campus libraries, coffee shops, and/or housing common areas.

Use reliable transportation

If you do not have your own transportation or reliable public transportation, Contact Support or message your tutor.

Maintain your privacy

Don't share any personal or contact information before you have gotten to know your tutors/students. You alone are responsible for the information you communicate. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal or financial information, or attempts to trick you into revealing it and report the user immediately.

You can say "No"

You are never obligated to accept a tutoring opportunity. If something about the opportunity doesn’t appeal to you, politely say no and wait for the next one. If necessary, report the user.

For more information and support, check out our help center or chat with us by clicking the bubble in the bottom right corner of any page.

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