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Tutor Training

Complete training and become a Knack Certified Tutor

Luke Stevens avatar
Written by Luke Stevens
Updated over a month ago

Please note that there is a 1 business day review period for completion of training.

To ensure you start off on the right foot, it's recommended that you complete training once you've completed your tutor profile (training may be a requirement at your university). During training, which should take about two hours to complete, you will learn the ins-and-outs of effective tutoring. Once you complete it and your completion is verified and approved, you'll receive the Trained in the Basics badge.

Payment for training

If your school requires tutor training, you'll be paid to complete the required modules! For The Basics module, you'll be paid your school's hourly rate for 2 hours. For all other required modules, you'll be paid your school's hourly rate for 1 hour. You'll get paid these amounts even if you complete the modules under or over the times specified. Please check the program under the Tutor tab in your Programs page to find out your hourly rate.

Don't worry about the logistics β€” we've got you covered. Once you've finished your training, you will be able to begin tutoring. Once your first tutoring session is completed, your training payment will automatically be added to your Knack account, which you can reference in your Earnings & Payouts page. It will then be grouped into the next available payout. Easily keep track of your transactions and expected earnings arrival by visiting your Transaction history page.

Tutor Training

You can complete your tutor training by heading to your Progress tab and clicking Take tutor training under Improve your stats near the bottom of the page.

We recommend completing training on a computer, though it is accessible through your phone. Training does not need to be completed in one sitting.

Topics covered in training include...

Role of the Tutor

  • The Power of How

  • Goals for the Student

  • Respecting Individual Differences

Tutoring DOs & DON'Ts

  • Characteristics of Good Tutoring

  • Student Expectations

  • Tutoring Best Practices

  • Benefits of Peer Tutoring

  • Getting the Most From Tutoring

The Tutoring Process

  • The Entire Tutoring Process

  • The Structure of an Individual Tutoring Session

  • Types of Tutoring

  • Telling vs. Teaching

Knack Tutoring

  • The "Tutor" Platform

  • Emphasizing Integrity

  • Connecting With Students

  • Being Proactive

Insufficient completion

We review all tutor training completions. If we find that your completion is insufficient because of insufficient answers to multiple questions and/or not fully completing each of the embedded videos, we will deny your tutor training. Luckily, you can try again by messaging Support. Training make-up will be outlined in the email sent to denied tutors.

Please note that trainings also have an inactivity period for tracking your progress. Failure to complete training within 2 weeks of the initial start date will result in training progress being reset.

Training Bypass

If you have completed or worked for a CRLA-certified training program in the past, you might be able to bypass the required training. You can submit proof of completion in the past, using this link. Our team will review your submission, approve or deny, and reach out to you with a decision within 3 business days from the submission. Note that if you choose to submit certification for training bypass, you will not be paid the training bonus.

For more information and support, check out our Help Center or chat with us by clicking the bubble in the bottom right corner of any page.

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