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Phone Number

Why does Knack need my phone number?

Luke Stevens avatar
Written by Luke Stevens
Updated over a year ago

We require users on Knack to have a verified phone number on their account. We will ask you to provide your phone number before taking key actions such as requesting a tutor or turning on text notifications.

We collect your phone number because you need a verified contact method on your account. It's used to prevent duplicate accounts from being created and to reach out to you if needed! For example, we may reach out to you if you need to take an action to connect with a tutor. You will not receive spam, unnecessary calls, or messages.


Is my number secure?

Yes! Only Knack and your school's administrator have your number. We do not share your number with anyone else.

I'm having issues verifying my phone number. It says that my number is invalid.

This may be because you have your phone number verified on another account. If you aren't sure if you have another account, or if you don't think this may be your issue, reach out to Support!

For more information and support, check out our Help Center or chat with us by clicking the bubble in the bottom right corner of any page.

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