Offer to help students in need
Tutor jobs is where you'll see students who have requested help in one of your active courses. This is the best way to connect with new students on Knack.
How Tutor jobs work:
Students who need help will submit a request for a tutor. These are called Tutor jobs. You will be notified after a new Tutor job for one of your active courses is created. You may also receive reminder notifications about any open Tutor jobs.
Tutor jobs in your active courses will show up on the Tutor jobs screen.
Respond to a Tutor job if you can help them!
How to respond to a Tutor job:
Review the details of the request and press the Message student button.
Type in your message and send.
The student will message you back in your inbox if they are interested in working with you.
If you would like to dismiss a Tutor job, you can do so straight from the Tutor jobs screen by pressing the X on the right side of the relevant tutor job or in a Tutor job details page. You'll be asked to confirm the dismissal of the tutor job as this action cannot be undone.
Which Tutor jobs show up on my tutor job feed?
Only requests for courses you are active in will show up on your Tutor jobs screen. For example, if you are active only in Calculus I and Chemistry I, you will only get Calculus I and Chemistry I tutor requests. You will be notified after new tutor jobs for your active courses are created.
Why aren't there any Tutor jobs on my screen?
If there are no requests on your Tutor jobs screen, that may be occurring for one or more of the following reasons:
You don't have any active tutoring courses. Check that your courses are active by heading to your Profile β Tutoring courses.
- If you recently submitted your courses and see them on your Tutoring courses screen as Pending approval, please allow 1 business day for us to review them.
- If it's been longer than 1 business day but you still see your courses as Pending approval, you may be required to complete training before you can start tutoring.No students have requested help in your courses.
You've already responded to all of them.
Can I see the Tutor Requests I've already responded to?
Yes! To do so, head to the Tutor jobs screen and click on the Offers sent tab.
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