Get students by adding your new job to your Facebook profile

You're a part of the team now – let people know!

William Kelly avatar
Written by William Kelly
Updated over a week ago

This is part of the Tutor Marketing Blitz.


The first step in this self-marketing process is making Knack the place you work on Facebook and adding the link to your web profile as your “Website” under the “Contact Information” section of your profile.


This will help in two primary ways. First, when you add/update your job, Facebook notifies your network. This will act as your first marketing message, announcing to your connections that you are open for business. Second, as you continue to use Facebook as a marketing tool throughout the year, people with whom you engage will be able to quickly navigate to your tutoring profile, which eliminates the need for excessive FB back and forths. 

These two simple things will increase the efficacy of your FB marketing efforts by further legitimizing your tutoring business and decreasing the friction a student faces as they move from finding you on FB to requesting you on Knack, resulting in more money in your pocket.


1. Navigate to your Facebook page and click on the “About” tab

2. On the left-side menu, select “Work and Education” and hit “Add a Workplace”

3. Fill in the appropriate information (see image below):

  • Company: type in "JoinKnack" (Make sure you select the right one with our orange logo)

  • Position: Tutor (Could also put “Chemistry Tutor” or “Course Expert” etc…)

  • City/Town: This one is pretty self-explanatory 😁

  • Description: I am available to tutor students at [SCHOOL] in the following subjects: XXX 205, YYY 315..... Check out my profile to see my rates and schedule a session: [link to profile]. 

  • Select “Public” as the privacy setting. This makes it so people in university FB groups can see this on your profile even if you aren’t friends.

4. Save the changes to your work experience and navigate to “Contact and Basic Info”

5. Select “Add a Website” and paste the link to your web profile. Make privacy setting “Public”

6. Save the changes to your contact info and then you’re done! 

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