Get students by emailing your former professors

You aced their class. Now it's time to help others do the same.

William Kelly avatar
Written by William Kelly
Updated over a week ago

This is part of the Tutor Marketing Blitz.


One of the best parts about being a Course Expert for a class that you recently got an A in is the fact that your former professor has the power to tell their current students that you are there to help them, if they need it. This task is centered around reaching out to your past professors to let them know that you are offering tutoring for their course.


Not only do your formers professors have excellent access to the students who need your help, they also have an incredible amount of influence over them. Imagine if you were struggling in a class and your professor told you about a former student of theirs who could help you out (and that your first $20 would be completely free)... Now replicate that across multiple classes, with multiple students struggling in each class, and you have yourself a thriving tutoring business. 


  1. Email the professor you had for each of the classes you tutor

  • We have created a template for you to use when reaching out to past professors. 

  • While we have seen success with this template, it is simply a template. Therefore, it is important that you alter it to fit your unique voice.

  • If the professor(s) have any questions about the company, feel free to direct them our way for answers

2. (If they let you) The ideal next step is presenting to the class 🗣 

From our experience, there are three things that make this type of presentations successful:

  • Keeping it concise. No one wants to listen to a pre-lecture lecture. Just introduce yourself, hit the key points and be done.

  • Highlighting your qualifications. Really sell them on why the should spend their hard-earned cash on you. If you have experience tutoring the class, talk about the success of past clients. If you do not, talk about your own success in the class.

  • Passing out flyers afterward. Make sure you get flyers into the hands of students after you’re done talking so they have information on how to set up a session with you.

  • Emphasizing the $20 promo code. Finish your presentation by letting them know that their first $20 with you (or anyone else on the platform for any class) will be completely free.

Once again, we are here to help you out if you are unsure about what to say or have any questions at all 😀

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