Completing a Session

Starting and ending a session

Jacob Robinson avatar
Written by Jacob Robinson
Updated over a week ago

Upon completion of a tutoring session, you'll be prompted to manually record the time spent within the session, as well as provide a recap of what occurred. Remember, you must have created a session and all participants must be in the accepted state before you can mark the session as completed.

Logging Your Session

Online Sessions:

After successfully completing your online session with your attendees, you have two options to choose from to leave the session:

  • 'Leave call' - This option will redirect you to the session details screen. Once there, a blue 'Complete Session' button will appear, allowing you to log the duration of time spent in the session, provided that no other participants remain in the session. The time logging options range from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours, with 5-minute intervals for each selection. If the total time falls between two options, rounding up to the nearest time is acceptable. The system will automatically deposit the earned funds into your Knack account. For more information on payouts, check out our article on Payout Info!

  • 'Log time & leave call' - This option will prompt you, via a pop-up, to log the session time. From there, select the amount of time spent in the session, select log time, and your session will be completed. The system will automatically deposit the earned funds into your Knack account. For more information on payouts, check out our article on Payout Info!

Once a session is logged and marked as completed, you're good to go!

Session Recaps:

In the 'What did you cover?' section, provide a summary of the session's content. These recaps serve as a valuable tool for monitoring the material that has been discussed, identifying topics that require further attention in subsequent sessions, and documenting any noteworthy information.

Please attempt to be thorough and clear in your responses as high-quality recaps are crucial in maintaining a well-organized and readily accessible record of your session history.

Note: All Session Recaps must be 150 Characters or more!

Logging In-Person Sessions:

When it comes to logging in-person sessions, the process is nearly the same. Once an in-person session has concluded, log into your Knack account, navigate to the session that just concluded in your Sessions tab, click into the session, and select the 'Complete session' button. Record the amount of time spent tutoring (only up to 1.5 hours), select the log time button, and your session is now complete!


What if a session runs longer or shorter than expected?

  • If the session ends early: Simply click the red hang up button and select either option mentioned above to log the time and complete the session.

  • If the session runs longer: 1.5 hours is the maximum time for a session.

What if I forget to record the session time immediately after?

Although we always promote using the log time and leave call function, if you had an in-person session or forgot to log the time, we offer a 72 hour grace period that you can manually log the session within. However, once the 72 hour window has passed, you will need to reach out to our Support team for assistance. To reach out, click the bubble at the bottom right of your screen, and our team will be happy to help!

How long should I make my session recap?

A session recap, as stated above, will be required to be at least 150 characters, meaning individual letters. You should focus on the 3 items listed in the recap screen: Topics Covered, How your Tutee Did, and Next Steps! 2 complete sentences is usually plenty.

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