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Session Rules

Basic rules to follow before holding sessions on Knack

Luke Stevens avatar
Written by Luke Stevens
Updated over 12 months ago

In order for Knack to be able to provide access to free, quality tutoring, there are a set of rules set by schools that all users must abide by before holding sessions on the platform.

These rules are the following:

  • Only participate in sessions for courses you are enrolled in.

  • For students, agree to attend the sessions being scheduled, and for tutors, accurately log which users attended the sessions.

  • Do not request or provide help for graded assignments.

  • Understand the risks of meeting in a non-suggested location.

  • Limited to a singular, 1.5 hour session per day for a Tutor/Student combination.

And they must be accepted every time a user:

  • Requests a session

  • Schedules a session

  • Accepts an invite to a session

  • Accepts a session request

  • Joins a public session

Note: These rules only apply to sessions on the platform and are independent to the acknowledgement of our Terms of Use and the acceptance of your university policies.

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