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Becoming a Tutor

Signing up to tutor on Knack

Jacob Robinson avatar
Written by Jacob Robinson
Updated over a week ago

Signing Up

Navigate to the Tutor With Knack page and select Become a Tutor.

After you Log In (or Sign Up), you'll be prompted to:

  1. Complete your Tutoring Profile

  2. Select the courses you wish to tutor and submit your transcript to prove you're proficient in those courses

  3. Complete any required tutor training

Then what?

We will review your transcripts and any required tutor training and you will be approved to tutor if you meet the qualification criteria. This process may take up to 1 business days, depending on volume. This is a great time to perfect your profile and start marketing your tutoring business!

For more information and support, check out our help center or chat with us by clicking the bubble in the bottom right corner of any page.

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